Thursday, November 29, 2012

We are moving tooo!

Bryan Mogridge announced that George Kerr and by default his partner at Australia Equity Partners, Vadim Perelman from Baker Street Capital Management, are moving PGC from New Zealand.

Some speculate that it might have something to do with the FMA investigation, but that is unlikely.

This is great news. Most of us always wanted to travel beyond the South Island and some will admit that they have been a little jealous when hearing about other contributors returning from trips across the ditch, England, Bali, etc.

We are just waiting to have our destination confirmed and cannot wait to shack up with the new blogs, newspapers and regulators. We are already making fast friends at Bloomberg, so this will merely confirm what is already happening. We are moving, not dorkalofa, we are going International!

Pyne Gould, we are right behind you!


Guest contributor
(jA's busy packing)